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Flemish painting
flowers garland in Art
Jan van Balen
17th century
Titian and Bacchanal
Sint-Bartholomeuskerk Merksem
Art History Research

How to Cite

Sanzsalazar, J. (2017). The other Thys. An examination of the work of Gysbrecht Thys: a painter of ‘devotions, poetries and landscapes’ and a collaborator with Joris van Son. Philostrato. Revista De Historia Y Arte, (2), 21–43.


   The Flemish painter Gysbrecht Thys (also spelled Thijs, Thyssen or Tijssens) (1617- ca. 1684), has for centuries been mistaken for several of his namesakes. Although his identity was clarified in 1996 by two essential articles, none of his works have previously surfaced until today. The paintings studied in the present paper, which are the first addition to Gysbrecht Thys’ œuvre, help to define the artistic personality of a previously neglected painter. Given to consider the painting’s compositions, their formal and literary sources of inspiration, and the influences that make-up his style; Thys reveals his versatility, a certain degree of classical culture from his time in Italy, and probable contacts with erudite religious circles in Antwerp. Further Thys’ participation in a Garland of fruit and flowers by Joris van Son, allows for an excursus on the latter’s production and on his probable collaboration with Jan van Balen among others; leading to a greater understanding of several less studied masters from the Antwerp School in the 17th century.


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