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Erasmus Quellinus II
flemish painting
18th century
Company of Jesus

How to Cite

Holguín Valdez, A. M. (2020). From Antwerp to Cuzco, the Odyssey of an Erasmus Quellinus II Painting for the Jesuits Order in Peru. Philostrato. Revista De Historia Y Arte, (8), 35–59. https://doi.org/10.25293/philostrato.2020.07


This article documents the painting of San Gregorio Nacianceno, signed by the Flemish painter Erasmus Quellinus II, when it belonged to the Jesuit church of Cuzco before the Jesuits order was expelled by the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1767. The documents reviewed allow the work to be tracked from its arrival at the Jesuits church in Cuzco, through subsequent trials after the expulsion and its arrival at the church of the Sagrario in Lima. Accordingly, this study also enables us to understand the process of scattering undergone by many of the Company's artistic works in Peru.


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