The original texts received for Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte must pass a previous evaluation of double blind peer-review, this means that the reviewers will not know the identity of the author, and the other reviewer either.

For the peer-review, the journal will look for specialists of recognized prestige in their different fields, so that they could give an impartial opinion of the article to be evaluated.

The reviewers must express to the management board of the journal any type of conflict that may arise at the moment of receiving the article to evaluate, and may decline its evaluation.

The following year will be published, in the first issue of that year (June), the list of reviewers who have participated in the evaluations of the articles published the previous year. There they will all include, unless they have indicated otherwise, even those who have evaluated articles that for different reasons have not been accepted.

Reviewers guidelines (pdf).


Carmen Abad Zardoya. University of Zaragoza.

Tamara Alba González-Fanjul. Instituto Moll.

Elena Alcalá. UAM (Madrid).

Pilar Alonso Abad. University of Burgos.

Javier Azanza López. University of Navarra.

Javier Burrieza Sánchez. University of Valladolid.

Rosa Cacheda Barreiro. Dtor in History of Art.

Diana Campóo Schelotto. Higher Music Centre of Basque Countrie. 

Mª Dolores Campos Sánchez-Bordona. University of Leon.

Mariano Carbonell Buades. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.  

David Chao Castro. University of Santiago de Compostela.

Daniel Crespo Delgado. Complutense University (Madrid).

Juan María Cruz Yábar. Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid).

Ralph Dekoninck. University Catholic of Louvain (Belgie).

Antonio Ernesto Denunzio. Unità Beni archeologici e storico-artistici Intesa Sanpaolo. Gallerie d'Italia.

Matías Díaz Padrón. Académie Royale d´Archeologie et d´Hiltoire de l´art de Belgie. 

Ana Diéguez Rodriguez. University of Burgos. Instituto Moll.

Arthur J Difuria. Savannah College of Art and Design.

Pilar Diez del Corral. UNED.

Mar Doval Trueba. Dtor in History of Art. 

Raymond Fagel. Universiteit Leiden (Low Countries).

Borja Franco Llopis. UNED.

David García Cueto. University of Granade. 

Manuel García Luque. University of Granade.

Javier García-Luengo. University Isabel I (Madrid). University School of Arts TAI. 

Joaquín García Nistal. University of Leon.

Eloy González Martínez. ANAHUAC University (México).

Ismael Gutiérrez Pastor. UAM (Madrid).

Miguel Hermoso Cuesta. Complutense University (Madrid). 

Gonzalo Hervás Crespo, Dtor in History of Art.

José Eloy Hortal Muñoz. University Rey Juan Carlos I (Madrid).

Koenraad Jonckheere. University of Gante. 

Eduardo Lamas-Delgado. Royal Institut for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), Brussels.  

Palma Martínez-Burgos García. University of Castilla la Mancha.

Isabel Mateo Gómez. CSIC.

José Matesanz del Barrio. University of Burgos.

Gloria Martínez Leiva. Dtor. in History of Art.

Elvira Mocholí. University of Valencia.

Álvaro Molina Martín. UNED.

David Ojeda Nogales. UNED. 

Jesús Palomero Páramo. University of Seville.

Mario Panarello. University Regio Calabria.     

René Payo Herranz. University of Burgos.  

Gerardo Pérez Calero. University of Seville. 

Almudena Pérez de Tudela. National Heritage (Madrid).

Sirga de la Pisa Carrión. University CEU San Pablo (Madrid).

Giuseppe Porzio. Università degli Studi di Napoli L´Orientale (Italy).

Dries Raeymaekers. University Radboud. Nimega (Low Countries).

Iván Rega Castro. University of León. 

Javier Revilla Canora. UAM (Madrid).

José Roda Peña. University of Seville.

Alfonso Rodríguez G. de Ceballos. San Fernando Fine arts Academy (Spain).   

Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya. Universitat Jaume I. 

Oskar Jacek Rojewski. Universitat Jaume I.

Leticia Ruiz Gómez. National Prado Museum (Madrid).

Renato Ruotolo. Accademia delle Belle Arti di Napoli (Italy). 

Miguel Salmerón. UAM (Madrid).

Jahel Sanzsalazar. Dtor in History of Art.

Mercedes Simal López. University of Jaén.

Enrique Valdivieso. University of Seville.

Tomás Vales. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Francisco Manuel Valiñas LópezUniversity of Granada.

Franca Varallo. Universitytà degli studi di Torino (Italy).

Elena Vázquez Dueñas. Complutense University (Madrid).

Alberto Velasco González. Universitat de Lleida (Spain).

Joan Yeguas Gassó. National Museum of Art of Catalonia (Spain).

Miguel Angel Zalama Rodríguez. University of Valladolid.