1. Identifying data  

1.1. EPIARTE, SL (hereunder THE COMPANY) is an entity whose registered office is at Av. Diagonal nº 463 bis, 8th floor, 08036 Barcelona, Spain, with Spanish Tax ID number: B-08849978. The contact email address is: redaccion.philostrato@institutomoll.com

THE COMPANY is registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona, in volume 21,566, page 130, and page 24,397.

1.2. The contents within this website are produced by THE COMPANY.  


2. Object and area of application.

2.1. The general conditions of access and use of the website http://philostrato.revistahistoriayarte.es/index.php/moll/index (hereunder the Website) which THE COMPANY provides for Internet users are regulated by the present Legal Notice.

2.2. The term User applies to any person that accesses or uses the website.

2.3. The access or the mere use of the Website and any of its web pages by the User, implies the knowledge and the acceptance of the present Legal Notice. Consequently, the user is urged to read it carefully.  


3. Modifications in the general conditions of the Legal Notice

THE COMPANY may, at all times and without any prior notice, modify the present Legal Notice through the publications of such modifications in the Website. It is the responsibility of the user to review the Web site and the Legal Notice to keep updated of its content.  


4. Use of the website.

The user agrees to make appropriate use of the contents and services and, by of information without limitation to:

4.1. Use the Website, its contents and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good customs and public order. Consequently, it is obliged not to use the website for purposes or effects unlawful or contrary to this Legal Notice, harmful to the interests or rights of third parties or that in any way may damage, disable or impair the website or its services or prevent a normal enjoyment of the website by other users.

4.2. Not destroy, alter, disable or deteriorate the data, programs or documents found on the website.

4.3. Not to delete, alter, evade or manipulate any protection device or security system that was installed on the website.

4.4. Do not introduce programs, viruses, macros or any other device that cause or may cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of THE COMPANY or third parties.

4.5. Do not make generalized or systematic downloads of files for the construction of other databases, whatever their purpose, without authorization from THE COMPANY.

4.6. Make appropriate use of the content and services (such as publications, opinion forums, etc.) that THE COMPANY offers on its website and not use them to engage in illegal activities or contrary to good faith and legal order;

4.7. THE COMPANY reserves the right to withdraw all comments and contributions from users that violate respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that attempt against youth or childhood, order or public safety or that, in his opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, THE COMPANY will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through the forums, chats, or other participation tools that THE COMPANY makes available to users.  


5. Access to the Website

5.1. Access and / or use of the website by the user is free and open.

5.2. Some of the services and contents offered by THE COMPANY may be subject to registration in the manner determined in the information on Registry posted on the website , the which one it will be at your disposal in a clear manner for the user's knowledge.

5. 3. For the use of certain services offered by THE COMPANY on its website, it will be necessary for the user to register and contribute your personal data in an electronic user registration form, data that the user will voluntarily provide. The user will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information and keeping it updated. The delivery of the data requested in the registration process is mandatory so that the registration process as a user is completed and will be understood as an unequivocal expression of the user's consent for the inclusion of their personal data in the corresponding database of the COMPANY. All information on your personal data will be collected and processed in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of this Legal Notice and the conditions of registration.


6. Protection of personal data

6.1. In compliance with Spanish legislation, THE COMPANY informs the user that the personal data that may be required as a result of registration at Website will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into the corresponding files, with the necessary levels of security, in order to ensure the protection of said personal data and perform the management, administration, provision, expansion and improvement of its activities to offer you a more personalized and effective service.

6.2. For more information on this point, please read our Privacy and Data Protection Policy. 


7. Intellectual and industrial property.

7.1. This website and the contents of the Philostrato magazine are the property of Epiarte, SL in the terms agreed upon with the author or authors before publication.

7.2. Unless otherwise indicated, all the contents of the electronic edition of the Philostrato magazine are distributed under a license of use and distribution “Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).

You can share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and adapt, transform and build from the material under the following terms:

- Attribution: You must identify the author of the material, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you or your use have the support of the licensor.

- Non-commercial: You cannot use the material for commercial purposes.


The use license is limited and may not give you all the permits you need for the use you have planned. Other rights, such as advertising, privacy or moral rights may limit the use of the material.

THE COMPANY offers the material as it is and as it appears available and is not responsible for such content or for any claim that may arise from the quality, reliability, accuracy or correctness of the same.

7. 3. The improper use by a user of the contents published on this website may involve the initiation of legal actions against said user, including economic claims, without prejudice to the initiation of a procedure to request the removal of contents that violate the established terms in the present notice.

7.4. If any user detects any type of misuse of the contents published on this website, please inform THE COMPANY via email through the address redacción.philostrato@institutomoll.com.

7.5. The user who sends information of any kind to THE COMPANY declares, guarantees and accepts that it has the right to do so freely, that said information does not infringe any intellectual property, trademark, patent, trade secret or any other third party right, that such information is not confidential and that said information is not harmful to third parties. The user expressly acknowledges taking responsibility for the information and images provided, reaching said responsibility, without any restriction, to the accuracy, legality, originality and ownership of it. The Website assumes no responsibility for the content of such communications.


8. Third party links

8.1. In the event that the website contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, THE COMPANY will not exercise any type of control over these places and contents. In no case THE COMPANY will assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a third party website, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in the head of the hyperlinks and other places on the Internet.

These links are provided solely to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on a specific topic, and the inclusion of a link does not imply the approval of the linked website by THE COMPANY.

8.2. THE COMPANY only authorizes references to its contents on other websites, provided they are respectful, comply with current legislation and in no case reproduce, without proper authorization, the contents of THE COMPANY.


9. Use of cookies

This website uses cookies so please read our Cookies Policy carefully. 


10. Limitation of liability of THE COMPANY

10.1. THE COMPANY does its best to offer the information contained in the website truthfully and without errors. In the event that at any time there is an error of this kind, at all times outside the will of THE COMPANY, it will be immediately corrected as soon as it is known.

10.2. THE COMPANY is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of the information contained in its website.

10.3. THE COMPANY does not guarantee the permanent availability of access to the Web page or the services and contents it offers, so it is especially exempt from liability for service deficiencies attributable to the server centre or connection networks and for the damages caused by any computer virus or malicious program could cause.

10.4. THE COMPANY cannot guarantee the correctness or accuracy of the content downloaded or the communications issued by users, nor the quality, security or legality of what is offered on the website. The user acknowledges and accepts that the use of the website is made under his entire risk and his entire responsibility.  


11. Communications

11.1. For the purposes of this Legal Notice, and for any communication that may be required between THE COMPANY and the user, the latter must contact the Customer Service by email to redaccion.philostrato@institutomoll.com, or by written communication addressed to the Customer Service Department of LA COMPAÑÍA, located at Av. Diagonal, 463 bis, 8th floor, 08036 Barcelona.

11.2. The communications of THE COMPANY to the user will be made according to the information provided by the latter in the electronic user registration form.

11.3. The user cannot use the website or communication tools to collect addresses, send spam or breach this Legal Notice or privacy policy. THE COMPANY may review or filter users' messages to control malicious activities or prohibited content. Please contact Customer Service to report junk mail made by other users.  


12. Legal actions

12.1. THE COMPANY also reserves the right to file civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the improper use of its website and contents, or for the breach of these conditions.  


13. Applicable law and jurisdiction

13.1. This Legal Notice will be interpreted and will be governed by its own clauses and by current Spanish legislation.

13.2. For any dispute, the parties submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of THE COMPANY.