
Several series of Sibyls, of variable number and quality, that have been previously attributed to different painters within Peter Paul Rubens’ circle, in foreign and Spanish collections, as well as in the art market, are here claimed to be by the hand of the Flemish master Jan van den Hoecke. The persistent confusion both in terms of attribution and identification of the subject matter is clarified in this paper, following on from Hans Vlieghe’s 1990 evidence. Tracing the now dispersed series as far as possible, the present article pays special attention to the eleven canvasses at Tessé Museum, Le Mans, as they appear part of a unique ensemble that still remains undispersed. For these series Jan van den Hoecke created an original iconography, with no formal precedents. Comparison of the different versions allows for a deciphering of the Latin texts accompanying each depiction, and for an identification of their literal sources. Judging by the numerous versions, the series of Sibyls must have rewarded the artist with great success, a demand that he satisfied with a changeable effort
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