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Spanish Painting
school of Valencia
school of Cuenca
16th century
Yañez de la Almedina
Martín Gómez “the Older”

How to Cite

Padrón Mérida, A. (2017). A painting by Martín Gómez “the Older” at the Prado Museum. Philostrato. Revista De Historia Y Arte, (1), 73–83. https://doi.org/10.25293/philostrato.2017.05


A painting at the Prado museum is attributed to a follower of Yáñez de la Almedina, Martín Gómez "the Older". The table was in controversy over the participation of Yáñez in its execution. In addition to the reflections on his authorship, the iconographic sources and visual references for painting are also analyzed. The article was made by Aída Padrón Mérida towards 1993-1995, remaining unpublished after her sudden death. We consider it of interest to make known his reflections on this painting at the Prado Museum.

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