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Mateo Cerezo
Carreño de Miranda
Religious subjets
Inmaculada Concepcion
Magdalen in the desert
Still Life

How to Cite

Diéguez Rodríguez, A. (2020). Exhibition: Mateo Cerezo el joven, materia y espíritu. Burgos Cathedral. Valentin Palencia Room. 20 July to 2 November, 2020. Philostrato. Revista De Historia Y Arte, (8), 86–89. Retrieved from https://philostrato.revistahistoriayarte.es/index.php/moll/article/view/343


This paper reviews the exhibition and catalogue of Mateo Cerezo “the younger”, skill and emotion, that had place in Burgos since July to November 2020. This painter worked in Madrid in the middle of the 17th century, and he was linked to the Carreño de Miranda´s workshop.

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