Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, Word Perfect or Open Office.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author guidelines explained in About the journal.
  • The submission includes author name (s), affiliations, and contact information.
  • If the submission is send to a peer reviewed journal section, it must follow the instructions to ensure an anonymous evaluation.
  • Please note that all citacions must be formatted according to rules of publication.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors

-Articles must be original and not have been published in any other journal or congress.

-Texts are admitted in the languages determined by the CIHA: Spanish, English, French, Dutch, Italian and German, and those that are co-official in Spanish territory.

-Articles must comply with the specific rules of publication, outlined in these pages.

-Every article must be accompanied by one abstract in English and another in Spanish (the latter will be supplied to publications that arrive in a language other than Castilian) and keywords in Spanish and English.

-The texts of the articles must not exceed 50,000 characters; half for miscellany (25,000); and reviews between 6,000 and 9,000.

-Images, if there are any, must be sent in jpg/tif/png format, provided they do not entail any infringement of reproduction rights.

-If the author thinks that it is necessary to include a brief curriculum with the article, it will be sent as independent document of Word or Pdf  (no more than a page).

Rules of publication for Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte

Original articles will be sent on digital medium, through this platform OJS. To do this, the author must create “user” in this journal page an later “Login”. Once registered in OJS, the author must follow the instructions provided by the system during the process of sending articles. As support material we offer authors the following User Manual to familiarize themselves with the platform. 

They must be original unpublished articles and not have been submitted for consideration for publication in any other journal, it being necessary to sign and send the Disclaimer of responsability available on the journal’s webpage. They will be preceded by a page on which appear the title of the article, the name of the author (or authors), their address, telephone number and email address, as well as their academic situation and the name of the academic institution to which they belong, and the date the article is sent to the journal.

Articles, including notes and bibliography, shall not exceed 50,000 characters with spaces, and half of that, 25,000 characters with spaces, for those addressed to the “Miscellany” section. The length of book reviews and features shall be between 6,000 and 9,000 characters with spaces. Font size will be 11, Verdana. Pages must be numbered and the notes placed at the foot of the page, numbered correlatively.

A brief abstract of the content of the article in Spanish and English shall be added, with a maximum length of 10 lines for articles and 3 lines for contributions to the “Miscellany” section, followed by the corresponding keywords in both languages, of which there should be no more than 10. The title of the article must also be translated into English.

Both the abstract and the keywords may be modified, with the author’s prior authorization, by the editor of the journal, with a view to greater visibility and location in metadata bases and international repositories.

Evaluation and publication:

Once original texts have been analysed by the editorial board, they will be subjected to the external opinions of two specialists on the subject. The method of evaluation used will be peer review, and the anonymity of both the author and the evaluators will be maintained. After publication, authors who so wish may be told the identity of the evaluators and the result of their reasoned analysis.

After the ruling, the editorial board will decide whether or not to go ahead with the submissions´publication, notifying authors of this within a maximum period of six months. Once this step has been taken, articles will be placed in a waiting list for publication, in the order that they were sent to the journal and in the opinion of the editorial board.

Every three years a list of the experts who have taken part in the evaluation of the articles received will be published on the journal’s webpage.

Conflicts of interest:

The evaluators must state any form of conflict they may have at the time they receive articles for evaluation, and they may decline to evaluate them.

Correction of proofs:

The first galley proofs will be sent to authors for correction, which must basically be limited to typographical errors or grammatical changes. Variations that significantly alter the layout will not be admitted. The cost of corrections that do not abide by these rules will be paid for by authors.

To avoid delays in publication, please return corrected proofs as quickly as possible, preferably by email or the Philostrato webpage, taking no longer than 15 days in any case.

Correction of second galley proofs will be done by the editorial board.

Rules of publication (pdf).


Original articles will be sent on digital medium through this platform OJS. To do this, the author must create a “user” in this journal page and later "Login". Once registered in OJS, the author must follow the instructions provided by the system during the process of sending articles. As support material we offer authors the following User Manual to familiarize themselves with the platform.

Articles must be original unpublished and not have been submitted for consideration for publication in any other journal, it being necessary to sign and send the Declaration of authorship available on the journal’s webpage. They will be preceded by a page on which appear the title of the article, the name of the author (or authors), their address, telephone number and email address, as well as their academic situation and the name of the academic institution to which they belong, and the date the article is sent to the journal.

Articles, including notes and bibliography, shall not exceed 50,000 characters with spaces. Font size will be 11, Verdana. Pages must be numbered and the notes placed at the foot of the page, numbered correlatively. Only 10 images are allowed, if there are any, they must be sent in jpg/tif/png format, with a minium of 300px, provided they do not entail any infringement of reproduction rights.

A brief abstract of the content of the article in Spanish and English shall be added, with a maximum length of 10 lines for articles, followed by the corresponding keywords in both languages, of which there should be no more than 10. The title of the article must also be translated into English.

Both the abstract and the keywords may be modified, with the author’s prior authorization, by the editor of the journal, with a view to greater visibility and location in metadata bases and international repositories.

The author can send a brief curriculum enclosed to the article, in an independt word or pdf document that does not exceed the extension page".


Original articles will be sent on digital medium through this platform OJS. To do this, the author must create a “user” in this journal page and later "Login". Once registered in OJS, the author must follow the instructions provided by the system during the process of sending articles. As support material we offer authors the following User Manual to familiarize themselves with the platform. 

Contributions must be original unpublished and not have been submitted for consideration for publication in any other journal, it being necessary to sign and send the Declaration of authorshipavailable on the journal’s webpage. They will be preceded by a page on which appear the title of the contribution, the name of the author (or authors), their address, telephone number and email address, as well as their academic situation and the name of the academic institution to which they belong, and the date the article is sent to the journal.

Contributions for this Miscellany section shall not exceed 25.000 characters with spaces, including notes and bibliography, scharacters with spaces. Font size will be 11, Verdana. Pages must be numbered and the notes placed at the foot of the page, numbered correlatively. Only 5 Images are allowed, if there are any, they must be sent in jpg/tif/png format, provided they do not entail any infringement of reproduction rights.

A brief abstract of the content of the micellany in Spanish and English shall be added, with a maximum length of 3 lines, followed by the corresponding keywords in both languages, of which there should be no more than 5. The title of the article must also be translated into English.

Both the abstract and the keywords may be modified, with the author’s prior authorization, by the editor of the journal, with a view to greater visibility and location in metadata bases and international repositories".

The author can send a brief curriculum enclosed to the article, in an independt word or pdf document that does not exceed the extension page.

Reports (Books or exhibitions)

Reviews of books, catalogues or chronicles of exhibitions, will be requested by Editorial Board to professionals of history and art history. The requests will attend the research lines of the author of the review in relation to the new books received during that semester by Philostrato.

The length of book reviews and features shall be between 6,000 and 9,000 characters with spaces. Font size will be 11, Verdana. Pages must be numbered and the notes placed at the foot of the page, numbered correlatively. In this section is not allow more than two images. If there are any, must be sent in jpg/tif/png format, provided they do not entail any infringement of reproduction rights.

Original articles will be sent on digital medium, preferably through this platform OJS. To do this, the author must create a “user” in this journal page and later "Login". Once registered in OJS, the author must follow the instructions provided by the system during the process of sending articles. As support material we offer authors the following User Manual to familiarize themselves with the platform.

This contributions can be about exhibitions, catalogues or monographs reviews. They must be original unpublished and not have been submitted for consideration for publication in any other journal, it being necessary to sign and send the Declaration of authorship available on the journal’s webpage. They will be preceded by a page on which appear the title of the contribution, the name of the author (or authors), their address, telephone number and email address, as well as their academic situation and the name of the academic institution to which they belong, and the date the reviews is sent to the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided to this journal shall be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and shall not be passed on to third parties for use for any other purposes. We recommend that you read our Privacy and Data Protection Policy.