1. Focus and Scope

2. Peer Review Process

3. Publication frecuency

4. Open Access Policy

5. Privacy and Data Protection Policy

6. Disclaimer of responsibility

7. Guide of good practices and scientific integrity

1. Focus and Scope

Philostrato. Revista de historia y arte. 

Philostrato. Journal of History and Art is a periodical journal that covers all original articles on History and Art History in relation to the European Modern Age from the 15th to the 18th century, as well as all papers dealing with relations between the ancient continent and other countries, as long as they fit within the specified time frame. The Editorial Board of the journal reserves the right to accept those proposals which, even outside the specified chronological framework, may be of interest to History or Art History due to the novelty of their contributions. 

Philostrato. Journal of History and Art is a biannual publication with two regular issues per year (spring/summer – autumn/winter) in June and in December whose structure, regardless of the extraordinary numbers that may be published, is the following:




Philostrato. Revista de historia y arte is published openly and free through the OJS platform, part of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP).



2. Peer Review Process

Once original texts have been analysed by the editorial board, they will be subjected to the external opinions of two specialists on the subject. The method of evaluation used will be peer review and the anonymity of both the author and the evaluators will be maintained. After publication, authors who so wish may be told the identity of the evaluators and the result of their thorough analysis.

After this evaluation, the editorial board will decide whether or not to go ahead with the publication, notifying the authors within a maximum period of six months. Once this step has been taken, articles will be placed in a waiting list for publication, in the order that they were sent to the journal and according to the opinion of the editorial board.

Every year a list of the experts who have taken part in the evaluation of the articles received will be published on the journal’s webpage.


3. Publication Frequency

Publications policy:
- Two regular issues per year (spring/summer – autumn/winter) (June – December).


4. Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte. Provides inmediate, unrestricted Access to all contents published in this on line edition. This journal is free for authors

Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Atribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-NC 4.0), which allows third parties to use what has been published as long as the author of the work and the source of publication are properly stated and that the works are used for non-commercial purposes.


Interoperability Protocols

This journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata. Also the journal is part of important repositories of scientific production such as Dialnet and DOAJ.


OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0

URL for harvesters:


5. Privacy and Data Protection Policy


This Privacy Policy provides detailed information on how the publisher of the review Philostrato. A history and Art review, made up of Epiarte S. L. and the Instituto Moll, Centre for Research into Flemish Painting, (hereinafter Philostrato), uses and protects your personal data when you browse our website http://philostrato.revistahistoriayarte.es/index.php/moll/index (hereinafter "Website"), as well as your rights in this respect.

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To what extent will decision-making be automated?

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h) Right to revoke consent: In cases where we have obtained your consent to the processing of your personal data in connection with certain activities (for example, for the purpose of sending you commercial information), you may withdraw your consent at any time.

i) Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: You have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos - AEPD), which can be contacted at http://www.aepd.es.

You may exercise your rights by sending us an email to redaccion.philostrato@institutomoll.es, attaching a document proving your identity and providing the necessary details to process your request.


Philostrato may amend the Privacy Policy to adapt it to changes that may occur on the Website or in connection with the processing of your personal data. In such a case, Philostrato will contact you through the usual channels of communication, notify you in advance of any changes, and send you the updated privacy policy.

Up-to-date and previous versions of the Privacy Policy will be available at all times on the Website.


6. Disclaimer of responsibility

The opinions and facts appearing in every article are the sole responsibility of their authors. Under no circumstances does Instituto Moll, Centro de Investigación en Pintura Flamenca accept any responsibility whatsoever for the credibility and authenticity of the articles.


7. Guide of good practices and scientific integrity

Guide of good practices and scientific integrity of Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Art (pdf).

The National Declaration on Scientific Integrity drafted by CRUE, COSCE and CSIC in November 2015 says in its 4th paragraph:

“It corresponds to each institution or entity subscribing to the Declaration, to develop and implement it, promoting and an ethical conscience in general, and responsible research based on good scientific practices, in particular. The content of this Declaration is applicable to all fields of research and scientific disciplines, as well as coinciding in its purpose with the main Declarations, codes or relevant reports in the field”.

Philostrato Revista de Historia y Arte, as a scientific publication belonging to the Moll Institute. The Flemish Painting Research Center, adds to this Declaration and also establishes this Guide of good practices in order to foment policies of scientific integrity, in which an ethical and conduct code is established for all parties involved in the Philostrato final publication: Editorial board, authors and reviewers.

Editorial board and editors. Ethical principles:

• Will keep confidentiality of all work received.
• The editors will be impartial in the treatment of these works and will decline to work with them if there is any conflict of interest.
• They must guarantee the originality and unpublished of the works received, ensuring that these aspects are monitored in the evaluation to detect plagiarism, autoplagics, copying and falsification or manipulation of data.
• A receipt will be sent to the authors as soon as their articles arrive.
• The Editorial Team can directly reject the Works received without resorting to external review, if it considers that the works do not have sufficient level to be published or are inappropriate for the content of the journal.
• The acceptation and evaluation of the Works will be based on objectives and no discriminatory criteria based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religión or belief, disability or sexual orientation.
• The members of the Editorial Board will be reputed professionals in the field of art history and history.
• The name and affiliation of all members of the Editorial Board will be indicated on the journal's website 


Authors Ethical principles:

• Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte does not charge fees for publishing or reviewing articles.
• Authors must guarantee that the content of their work is original and their information has not been manipulated. They will follow the ethical principles contained in this guide and in the main international declarations and codes.
• All authors of a work will be named when it has more than one author, avoiding fictitious authorship.
• They will not send papers if they are being evaluated at the same time in another publication.
• When submitting their works, the authors will be governed by the Guidelines for authors (published in the link below) which details the characteristics, format, form of submission, etc. Likewise, the works will be recorded if they are part of a project and the sources of funding, if any. The images will be duly identified and the authors will be responsible for requesting and paying for the necessary permits for their reproduction.


• If an author discovers a significant error in his article, he must communicate it to Philostrato so that it can be rectified by an editorial note or an erratum.

The original texts received for Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte must pass a previous evaluation of double blind peer-review, this means that the reviewers will not know the identity of the author, and the other reviewer either.
For the peer-review, the journal will look for specialists of recognized prestige in their different fields, so that they could give an impartial opinion of the article to be evaluated.

Evaluators - reviewers. Ethical principles:

The reviewers must report to the editorial team any type of conflict that may arise when receiving the work, and may decline their evaluation.
• They will do the reviews objectively and impartially.
• There are Forms for evaluators to facilitate their work.
• Review that the works are unpublished and that they adhere to the standards for authors established by the journal.
• Your suggestions and / or criticisms will be constructive, clear and concise.
• They will communicate to the editor any indication or sign of lack of ethics that they may find in the works to be evaluated.
• The list of reviewers who collaborate with Philostrato will be published in a visible place on the following website.



CRUE, COSCE, CSIC: Declaración Nacional sobre Integridad científica. (Madrid, 2015)

Pdf document.

CSIC: guía de buenas prácticas de las publicaciones periódicas y unitarias de la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. (Versión 3.0 junio 2016)
